Thursday, 20 September 2012

Kingda Ka: Tallest Roller Coaster In The World

Kingda Ka, located at Six Flags: Great Adevnture, is the tallest roller coaster in the world. It 's tallest drop is 127m tall and the height of the roller coaster is 139m tall. It can also reach a top speed of 206km/h. It is a stratacoaster, featuring a hydraulic launch, an enormous top hat, and a camelback hill leading off to the brakes and back to the station. The only other stratacoaster is Top Thrill Dragster, at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio. It occasionally has rollbacks. A rollback is when the train isn't accelerated fast enough to make it to the top of the coaster, so it rolls back towards the station. The are brakes though so that if there is a rollback, it will return safely to the station, giving the riders another ride.

Kingda Ka Rollback

Kingda Ka POV (Point Of View)

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